How to make a Near Me call

Step 1

Open the Edge, Safari or Chrome browser. Enter the website address your service has given you (for example, in your appointment letter) into the browser’s address bar (yellow arrow below).

a browser page highlighting the address bar at the top and a DuckDuckGo search box in the centre
microphone and camera icons as displayed in Near Me call setup

The system checks whether you have a microphone, camera and network connection.

You may be asked for camera, microphone and audio playback permissions for your service’s website. Please allow their use.

Step 2

You should see a large “Enter Waiting Area” button with the Waiting Area’s Name and brief description. Click or tap it.

graphic of near me waiting area entry button

From there, you’ll be given more information on the waiting area you’re about to enter. Follow the instructions, using the Next Step buttons to continue onward.

graphic of next step button

Step 3

Enter your details, including a phone number where you can be reached during the call. If you tick the box to agree the terms and policies you can start your call.

graphic of final enter waiting area button

Should you accidentally end your call before being seen, you should be able to enter again using the Rejoin call button. If not, you’ll be returned to step 1.

graphic of rejoin call button

Then wait for your provider to connect your call

Animation still: woman in video call, seen on tablet.

You will be held in a private video waiting room until your service provider connects your call

If you experience any image or sound issues during the call, simply refresh the browser window in the normal way. To end the call, click the red leave call button.

Within the Health and Care sector, Near Me consultations are offered by a wide variety of services including GP practices, hospital outpatient clinics, community services. Clinicians using Near Me include doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, social workers and many others.